Undoubtedly, maintaining good dental and oral health is the key to healthy living. To avoid any chances of dental or oral dental health issues, you should schedule frequent appointments with your dentists. While a visit to a dental clinic is not a pleasant experience for many, it is vital for your overall oral and dental health. That is why it is not surprising to hear that someone is unproductive at work due to a toothache.

Even if you do not need to improve your teeth appearance, it is wise to visit a dentist frequently for a routine oral and dental health check-up. Frequent oral health check-ups allow a dentist to catch any progressive dental or oral health issue while it is in its early stages for appropriate treatment before it becomes problematic, for example, a cavity.

If you need to change your dentist or need a dentist to take care of your family's oral and dental needs, dentists at The Whittier Dentist are here for you. We offer various dental services for adults and children who need to keep dental and oral health issues at bay. Below are some of the most frequent questions we receive from our clients and prospective clients like you:

It is natural to worry about your child's oral and dental health because you want to see them grow up healthy and happy. If you have a newborn, it is advisable to have a dentist examine their oral health as soon as their first milk teeth sprout out or before their first birthday, whichever comes first.

Even if your baby is currently feeding breastmilk, they could be at risk of bacterial infections or other oral health issues that could affect the alignment of their teeth as they grow older. To protect your baby's overall dental health, you cannot undermine the need to have a dentist examine their mouth regularly as they grow more teeth over time.

If what is preventing you from scheduling an appointment with a dentist is the fear that the X-ray radiation could harm you, there is no need to fret because it is a safe way of examining your dental health. Typically, there is less radiation in today's X-rays, all thanks to modern technological advancement.

X-ray images are also crucial because they help a dentist detect unusual changes in your mouth during your routine dental check-ups for appropriate treatment. If you have a progressive dental condition like periodontal disease, the dentist may require X-ray images of this area every six months.

However, a dentist will require X-ray images of your mouth after about two years for regular oral health check-ups if you do not have a progressive dental or oral health condition.

Although it is not an emergency dental or oral health issue, bad breath can embarrass and even make you anxious when around your peers or colleagues. That is the reason why most shop shelves are packed-up with mouthwashes, mints, gums, and other breath fresheners.

However, these products are only temporary measures to deal with bad breath because they do not address the root cause of the issue. Below are some of the causes of bad breath among most people:

  • Poor oral hygiene habits

  • Particular foods, like onions, spices, or garlic

  • Specific health conditions, like metabolic disorder and cancer

  • Mouth infections, like gum infection or tooth decay

  • Dry mouth

  • Tobacco products

To reduce or eliminate the issue of bad breath, you should:

  • Brush your teeth regularly using an antiseptic mouthwash to kill odor-causing bacteria in your mouth

  • Drink plenty of water

  • Floss your teeth daily to remove food particles stuck in between your teeth

  • Visit your dentist regularly

Introducing your child to a dentist at an early age is an excellent investment for their overall oral health. Not forgetting, it also helps them become more comfortable with dental visits at an early age, which is a scary prospect even for some adults. To make them confident and ready for their first dental appointment, you should:

  • Be positive about it — Even if dental visits make you nervous and anxious, do not let your child realize it. Ensure every conversation you have with your child about a dentist and dental visit is positive to encourage them to hop on that dentist's chair confidently.

  • Read books and watch funny internet videos about dental visits with them — Your child can be more encouraged to visit a dentist when they see their favorite characters happily walking into a dentist clinic.

  • Play games related to dentistry with them — Playing related games with your child can help them become more eager to visit a dentist. Pretend that you are a dentist and have them sit in their favorite chair like they are in a dentist's clinic. Then, you can pretend to count or brush their teeth while explaining the importance of oral and dental hygiene. To make the game more fun, you can switch roles and let them become a dentist.

While dental restorations are long-lasting, they cannot serve you forever. The durability of dental restorations like implants will depend on your general oral and dental hygiene. Your dental restoration could wear out with time, allowing bacteria and plaque to build up. Tips listed below can help you take care of dental restorations to increase their durability:

  • Brush your teeth at least three times every day using an antibacterial mouthwash

  • Try not to eat or chew sticky or hard food like nuts

  • Use an electric toothbrush to remove any possible plaque build-up in your teeth

Indeed, this is one of the most frequent questions that we receive from our clients. Most people have different thoughts and opinions on how often one should visit a dentist. However, it is advisable to schedule an appointment with your dentist not less than two times a year. That means having the dentist check your dental and oral health once every six months.

However, if you have a dental problem that requires continued attention to treat, the dentist would request you to schedule more frequent visits to keep an eye on it.

Indeed, tooth extraction is one of the most dreaded dentistry procedures. However, there is no need to fret because it is a comfortable procedure that you can imagine. Although you will feel minor discomfort, tooth removal is a pain-free experience because the dentist will numb your gums using anesthesia.

After this procedure, the dentist will also provide you with medications to manage any possible pain you experience and fasten the healing process of the wound.

Apart from brushing and flossing your teeth at least thrice per day, the following tips can help you take your dental and oral health to the next level and keep infections at bay:

  • Eating a balanced diet (vegetable and fruits)

  • Using a mouthwash that contains fluoride

  • Avoiding cigarettes and other tobacco products

  • Limiting your intake of sugary snacks and drinks

Teeth bonding is an in-house cosmetic procedure for restoring the shape and size of a damaged tooth to appear like the adjacent surrounding teeth. Typically, you are an excellent candidate for teeth bonding if you have a chipped, broken, cracked, or discolored tooth. Unless your teeth need filling to fix a deep crack, anesthesia will not be necessary during this procedure.

The dentist will apply a tooth-colored composite resin directly to the damaged tooth during tooth or teeth bonding. Then they will harden this material using U.V light before shaping it to the desired shape of your tooth. Depending on your eating habits and the location of the bonded tooth, bonding materials could stay strong for up to ten years.

Teeth whitening is typically a cosmetic procedure most people seek to improve the aesthetic appearance of their smile. If you are uncomfortable with the color of your teeth, you should talk to a dentist before you think of buying over-the-counter teeth whitening gels and toothpaste.

Although these gels can whiten your teeth and are less expensive, they are not as effective teeth whitening procedures a dentist can perform. With in-office teeth whitening, a dentist will apply bleaching products directed to your teeth. The dentist can combine these products with heat or a special ultra-violet (U.V.) radiation known as a laser to achieve the intended or desired results.

Depending on how severe the stains are, your dentist can whiten your teeth to the desired shade within less than an hour to give you the "sparkly" smile that you deserve. This whiteness can remain in your teeth for months if you maintain top-notch oral hygiene and avoid some habits.

Below are tips that can help you keep your teeth whiter for a more extended period after a whitening session with your dentist:

  • Avoid drinking staining foods or drinks like red wine

  • Avoid tobacco smoking

  • Practice good oral health habits, for example, brushing your teeth regularly

  • Schedule frequent visits to your dentist for regular cleanings to remove plaque, which acts as a glue to these stains

Generally, when it comes to general dentistry, your dentist will conduct a thorough diagnosis and check-up on your entire mouth, including the gums, teeth, and some parts of your face (maxillofacial region).

According to ADA (American Dental Association), about eighty percent of dentists you will meet offers general dentistry services. The other twenty percent offers specialized dentistry services, including:

  • Pediatric services

  • Emergency services

  • Endodontic services

  • Cosmetic services

Most people could have cavities in their teeth, but they do not realize it until their teeth become sensitive to cold, hot, or sour drinks or food. Typically, cavities, also known as dental caries, are tiny holes that develop in your tooth or teeth enamel. The cause of cavity in your teeth could be a combination of several factors, including:

  • Bacterial activity in your mouth that release acidic excretes

  • Sipping sugary beverages or drinks frequently

  • Poor oral health measures

  • Teeth crowding

Although dental cavity or decay issues are more prevalent among teenagers, even adults could develop a cavity on their tooth or teeth, depending on their lifestyle and dental health habits. Because it is a progressive bacterial infection, these tiny holes will widen if you leave it untreated.

When that happens, your dentist can perform a procedure known as a root canal to stop the infection. In some cases, If this procedure cannot stop the infection, the dentist will extract the tooth to eliminate the problem permanently. That is why regular dental check-ups are critical to catch and mitigate these kinds of issues before they become severe and expensive to treat.

You know your tooth is sensitive if you feel pain when drinking or eating sour, hot, or cold food. Typically, tooth sensitivity indicates that your enamel is eroded and thinned due to repeated exposure to specific temperatures and acidity. Other possible causes of sensitivity in your tooth include:

  • A fracture or crack on the tooth

  • Receding gums

  • Teeth whitening procedures

  • Teeth grinding or bruxism

If you have tooth or teeth sensitivity, it is wise to seek the services of a dentist to find out the root cause of this disturbing issue for appropriate treatment.

Typically, periodontal disease is not an infection that attacks you overnight. When you fail to remove plaque build-up on your teeth through regular dental check-ups, eventually, it will turn into tartar, providing a conducive environment for bacteria to thrive. If left untreated, the bacteria will cause what is known as a periodontal disease when it spreads to the adjacent surrounding gums.

You will know you have a periodontal disease when you experience any or a combination of the following symptoms and signs:

  • Soreness or tenderness on your gums

  • Redness on your gums

  • Bleeding on your gums

  • Redness on your gums

  • New gaps between your teeth

  • Bad breath

When you notice any of the above signs or symptoms, you should talk to your dentist as soon as possible for appropriate treatment. To treat periodontal disease, your dentist will first remove the plaque build-up on your tooth or teeth, which is the root cause of this life-threatening infection.

In severe cases, periodontal disease can weaken the supporting structures of the affected tooth or teeth. When that happens, the dentist will have to remove the teeth to eliminate the problem permanently. Fortunately, you do not have to live with a gap in your teeth forever. To fix the gap in your tooth, a dentist can use a dental implant.

A dental implant is typically an artificial tooth root that a dentist will fix on your jawbone to support an artificial tooth or crown. You can have a crown that resembles the color of your teeth, or you can ask for a customized crown.

Typically, a general dentist can provide a variety of dentistry services, depending on a client's dental and oral health needs, including:

  1. Cosmetic Dentistry Services

If you want to improve the aesthetic appearance of your teeth for a better and more eye-catching smile that you deserve, a general dentist can help you do so. Below are some of the most common cosmetic dental procedures a general dentist can perform to improve your smile appearance:

  • Braces placement

  • Crown or artificial tooth or teeth placement

  • Teeth whitening

  • Enamel shaping

  • Enamel bonding

  1. Preventive Dentistry Services

A general dentist will also offer you preventative dentistry services to keep your teeth and gums healthy for the longest time possible. Typically, preventive dentistry is a special field in dentistry that helps you maintain excellent oral health throughout your life. Below are some of the most common preventative dental services a general dentist can offer:

  • Fluoride treatment

  • Deep teeth cleaning

  • Regular oral exams

  • Routine X-rays

Although the above services will help prevent dental and oral health problems, your dentist will give you instructions and guidelines on proper preventative measures you can observe while at home, including:

  • Using sealants if necessary

  • Brushing and flossing your teeth regularly

  • Avoiding acidic drinks and foods which can erode your teeth' enamel

  • Avoid tobacco products like cigarettes

  1. Restorative Dentistry Services

As the name suggests, restorative dentistry services are dental procedures that focus on fixing and restoring damaged or missing teeth to look and feel like natural teeth. The primary goal of restorative dentistry services is to restore the aesthetic appearance of your smile and prevent possible oral health issues down the road.

Depending on the extent of the tooth damage or cavity, the following restorative dentistry procedures could work out in your favor to improve the aesthetic appearance of your smile and overall oral health:

  • Filling

  • Composite bonding

  • Root canal

  • Crown placement

  • Dentures placement

  • Implant and implant placement if your tooth is damaged beyond repair

If you have a cracked or fractured tooth, you should visit a dentist for a check-up to determine which procedure will restore your teeth' shape and size for the catchy smile that you deserve.

An X-ray examination or image provides a dentist with crucial and precise details of your mouth and teeth condition for an appropriate treatment plan. X-rays are important, particularly during dental procedures which require surgery because they reveal crucial information like your jaw placement, teeth condition, and the arrangement of your facial bones.

Further, X-rays will help a dentist determine whether or not you have any abnormality in your mouth that they cannot detect with their naked eyes.

Xerostomia, also commonly known as dry mouth, is a condition that occurs when you have insufficient saliva in your mouth because your salivary glands do not secrete enough of it. Here are some of the causes of dry mouth:

  • Aging issues

  • Radiation therapy

  • Side effects of particular medications

Although it is not a severe medical condition, a dry mouth can make it challenging to chew and swallow food. If you are experiencing a dry mouth, you should talk to a dentist because it could indicate underlying dental issues. Your dentist will determine the root cause of this uncomfortable condition and recommend a medication to help you manage it.

Typically, fluoride is a vital mineral available in most foods and dental products, including mouthwash and toothpaste. Fluoride is a critical mineral for your dental health because it strengthens your teeth' enamel surface, making it more resistant to acidic excretes by bacteria present in your mouth.

To keep your teeth free from cavities or decay, you should brush them daily using fluoridated toothpaste and eat food rich in fluorides like eggs and fish.

Find a Dentist Near Me

Dental and oral health is vital if you want to live a happy and healthy life. Therefore, it is natural to ask questions to make better and more informed decisions on your dental healthcare. The above common questions will help you gain the most from your next appointment with a dentist.

If you have more questions that you would like answered about dental health, you should talk to a dentist. Credible dentists at The Whittier Dentist are here for you if you or a family member has any dental or health concerns. We have significant experience treating patients with different dental and oral health problems.

We invite you to call us at to schedule your first appointment with our dentists. We will work with you hand-in-hand to help you achieve a healthy and outstanding smile that will last a lifetime.